Breast Capsulectomy in Thailand
Capsulectomy involves the surgical removal of scar tissue (capsule) that has formed around a breast implant.
One of the most common complications after breast augmentation surgery is capsular contracture. This happens when the scar tissue that normally forms around the implant forms a capsule around it and contracts or thickens and starts to squeeze the implant. As a result, the appearance of the breasts may become distorted. There may also be pain or discomfort from the tissue tightening around the implant.
Breast capsulectomy involves the surgical removal of this scar tissue or capsule and removing the breast implant. The implant itself may then be reinserted or replaced with a new one.
Capsulectomy is usually performed under general anaesthesia. The surgery may be performed on one or both breasts, depending on the position of the capsule and the level of discomfort it is causing.
The plastic surgeon will use small incisions to open up the capsule and release the implant. He may also attempt to remove all or some of the hardened tissue. Finally, the implant is reinserted or replaced with a new one.
The incisions are closed with fine stitches, which may need to be removed later or dissolve on their own. Tapes will be placed over the stitches for additional support. A light dressing will also be applied. The whole procedure takes around 2-3 hours to perform.
Before the Surgery
- Read the pre-surgery instructions They will help prevent complications and improve outcomes for your surgery.
- Abstain from food and drink for 6 hours before surgery.
- Prepare a new bra if you’re planning to replace the implant with a smaller sized one.
- Plan to take 1-2 weeks off work and your normal activities.
- Shower and shave your armpits on the morning of the surgery.
- Your breasts may feel somewhat sore after surgery. This is normal and can be controlled with painkillers.
- The surgical dressing put in place can be removed after 3 days. You may shower and use soap normally after that.
- Soreness and bruising will disappear after a few days.
- Avoid heavy lifting and exercise for 2 weeks.
- You will have to wear a surgical bra for a few weeks. Your surgeon may ask you to wear this for 24 hours at first.
- A follow-up appointment will be made after 5-7 days to remove sutures.