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Labia Reduction in Thailand

Labia reduction (labiaplasty) is a simple surgical procedure to reduce the size of the labia. Find out more about labia reduction surgery in Bangkok.


Labia reduction surgery, also known as labiaplasty is the most common operation for female genital cosmetic surgery, and it is becoming increasingly popular among women of all ages.

Corrective surgery can be performed on the labia majora (the external skin folds of the vulva) or labia minora (the two small folds of skin situated just inside the labia majora). The aim of the surgery is to correct the asymmetry of the labia or to reduce the size of the labia.

The size and shape of women’s labia can vary extensively from woman to woman. Patients who feel that their labia majora are too large may feel uncomfortable wearing tight jeans or bathing suits. Enlarged labia (labial hypertrophy) can also cause discomfort during physical activities, such as horse riding or cycling, or may interfere with sexual intercourse.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Labia Reduction?

To be considered for surgery, you should be over 18 and in good general health. Typically, women seek labia reduction for the following reasons:

  • Self-consciousness due to the appearance of the labia
  • Physical discomfort during exercise or having sex
  • Difficulty maintaining good vaginal hygiene due to excessive labial tissue
  • Alterations in shape or color of labia after pregnancy or childbirth
  • Labial stretching or tearing as a result of childbirth



Labia reduction is usually performed using local anesthesia with sedation. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used.

During surgery, large or uneven labia minora are shortened or reshaped using either specialized scissors, a scalpel or a laser. In addition, the labia majora can be reduced with either surgery or liposuction if needed.

The location of the incision depends on a number of individual factors, such as the texture and size of the labia. The most common techniques for performing a labiaplasty include trim labiaplasty, wedge resection, and de-epithelialization.

Trim Labiaplasty
As its name suggests, this involves trimming excess tissue along the edge of the labia minora to improve its shape or size. The trim technique is a fairly straightforward and quick procedure that can successfully treat hyperpigmentation in the labia minora and eliminate thickened or irregular edges of the labia.

Wedge resection technique
The wedge resection technique involves removing a wedge of tissue from the thickest portion of the labia minora. The remaining edges are then stitched together using dissolving sutures. This produces very natural-looking results with a less noticeable scar. A hoodectomy may also be performed at the same time in order to expose the clitoris in an attempt to increase sexual stimulation.

This involves trimming the inner part of the labia with a scalpel or medical laser and removing the epithelial layer, leaving the subcutaneous tissue largely intact. The key advantage of this technique is that produces very natural-looking results while preserving the sensitive nature of the labia.

Before the Surgery

  • Read the pre-surgery instructions They will help prevent complications and improve outcomes for your surgery.
  • Plant to take at least 3 days off work and your normal activities.
  • Arrange to have someone drive you home after surgery.


  • It is normal to experience some swelling after surgery. It will begin to subside gradually after the first week, but it can take up to 2 months for the skin to fully heal.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions on keeping the area clean and free of infection.
  • Wear loose underwear and clothes to prevent rubbing.
  • You should abstain from sex and avoid vigorous exercise for 6 weeks.
  • Use sanitary towels instead of tampons for the first few weeks.